What we offer
Our Services
With marketing in its wildest form, our services range from anything you can think of – to anything we can dream of.
Let’s have fun and reach those goals!
Brand Building | PR | Events | Digital Marketing | Design | Web Development
The Marketing Zoo, just a normal marketing company – with so much more! The company is fresh & innovative with marketing in its wildest form. Clients can be assured to request and receive any type of marketing solutions – in its wildest form. Public relations, branding, outdoor advertising, digital strategy, social media, design, event management & entertainment needs is some of our expertise. Our team of young professionals will make sure that you get noticed. Mission: Strive to live successfully in the business environment with experience, honesty and good relationships by being innovative in the industry we know best – MARKETING.
With marketing in its wildest form, our services range from anything you can think of – to anything we can dream of.
Let’s have fun and reach those goals!
Organiseerders - Proe’toria Fees
If you want you're project or brand to be taken to the next level, then The Marketing Zoo is the perfect option for you. Speaking from experience i can honestly say that this is the most hard working, on time, professional and yet so kind company I've ever had the privilege to work with. Everything that the Zoo touches, turns into gold. From 0 to 100 real quick.
Julle gee ‘n nuwe betekenis aan die woorde “ kunstenaars bemarking”! Julle neem eienaarskap van elke kunstenaar se persoonlike behoeftes en voorkeure. “The Marketing Zoo” gaan uit hulle pad uit om vir elke kunstenaar ‘n plek te skep in die musiek industrie. Julle Stap saam met ons ‘n pad wat partykeer maar ‘n grondpad kan wees. Julle ondersteuning en advies beteken die wereld vir elke persoon wat julle pad kruis. Baie dankie aan die Nommer EEN PR Maatskappy in Suid Afrika!
ñ Dieretuin is ñ plek wat nog altyd vir my ñ gevoel van liefde en omgee gegee het. Hierdie Dieretuin gee meer as dit. Hulle gee nog kennis en passie daarby. Wian en sy span verstaan bemarking en gaan uit hulle pad uit om dit met soveel oorgawe te doen. Hulle passie is aansteeklik en ek is trots om hulle deel van my span te hê.
Finansiele Adviseur en Motiveringspreker - Rene du Preez
It is with great appreciation that I would like to thank Wian and his team at Marketing Zoo for the incredible work they do for us here at EPH Group. The level of detail and creativity is awesome and we love to work with them.
CEO - EPH Group
Dit is n absolute plesier om met Wian en sy span by Marketing Zoo te werk en ons waardeer hulle opreg baie. Die kreatiwiteit van hulle werk en hoe hulle met oorgawe aan alles werk is vir ons so positief. Baie dankie vir al julle harde werk.
Owner - Monte De Dios
Jy kan nie verkeerd gaan met The Marketing Zoo nie. Ons het hulle al vir ‘n paar bermarkings doeleindes gebruik en elke keer het hulle ons in die oortreffende trap beindruk. Hulle werk is professioneel en puik. Ons sal hulle beslis aanbeveel en julle sal nie beter êrens anders kry nie.
It is such a pleasure to work with The Marketing Zoo, always friendly and their positive energy while working under pressure is a great quality.
Dis-Chem Boobaloo Expo
We have to focus on entertainment and the experience customers have at the Centre while shopping and The Marketing Zoo assists us to achieve these objectives. Work delivered by them is always of high quality and our team enjoy working with them.
Hierdie is so kort nota om julle te bedank vir julle ongelooflike passie en ondersteuning met ons produk waarmee ons julle borg. Dit is uiters selde dat 'n mens so 'n positiewe, passievolle, opwindende verhouding met 'n groep mense het en dan baie spesifiek jy Wian Smith Venter!
Renault SA
We have been working with The Marketing Zoo for a couple of years and I can definitely say that they have NEVER disappointed us! Each Event is unique and professionally planned and Coordinated and a must used service when it comes to putting some entertainment together that the whole family can enjoy!
Not only was it a pleasure to work with The Marketing Zoo because of their professionalism, respect and kindness but also their efficiency in the workplace was outstanding. I am delighted to say that from my very first day in South Africa until my very last, Wian and his team were there for me.
International multiplatinum recording artist and entertainer
The Marketing Zoo, just a normal marketing company – with so much more!
(012) 004 0642
MooiKloof 851, Coral drive, Pretoria, 0081
Copyright of webdesign © 2024 The Marketing Zoo & FW
The Marketing Zoo, just a normal marketing company – with so much more! The company is fresh & innovative with marketing in its wildest form.
Your goals, needs and budget becomes our strategy.
(012) 004 0642
MooiKloof 851, Coral drive, Pretoria, 0081
Copyright of webdesign © 2024 The Marketing Zoo & FW
Dit is met n dankbare hart dat ons vir Wian en sy span by Marketing Zoo baie dankie wil se vir al hulle harde werk en vasberadenheid met ons Fees se Sosiale Media en Kunstenaarsbestuur. Julle loop van dag een af die pad saam met ons en is eintlik deel van die Familie. Ons waardeer alles wat julle vir ons doen en sal graag die pad saam met julle wil loop vir nog baie jare wat kom.